Tru Organic

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let's put an end to cyber beauty bullying !

I was laying in bed asking myself what can I do to prove to everyone that I did not post this horrible comment, I realized aside from using my voice I really can't. I will probably never find out who did it, the night it happened i was devastated, yesterday i was angry, & today instead pf being reactive I’m going to be proactive. I am not the only person that this kind of thing has happened to, & we can change passwords etc. but that won’t stop it from happening again to someone else. Cyber bullying is all too common in this day and age, & it seems to be happening more nowadays. So I was thinking hmmm what can i do to stop this well. i can do a lot. First, I want for all of us beauty bloggers, makeup artists, promoters, beauty companies big or small to come together and support one another. Second, I’m either going to create a group or page for people who have had this sort of thing happen before to share stories and support one another. Third, I want to create a badge or logo against online smearing of beauty pages etc and beauty bullying. i need help designing a logo and coming up with a name for it. This kind of thing has gone on long enough and now it’s time to put a stop to it, if you want to join me in this fight, comment below & if not, ill do it alone. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Please share my below posts I want this to go viral !!!!!! I’ll post on all my social media sites. Let’s put an end to beauty bullying.


  1. I'm all for ending cyber bullying. I'm willing to help, sign petitions.. anything! I commend you for wanting to make a change. You are right, it must be stopped!

  2. Thank you Ashley ! Please visit my page or friend request me.
